Christian and Catholic Religious Instruction.
Participating faith groups: Anglican Church, Baptist Church, Breakthrough Generation Church, INC Empower Church, Uniting Church, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Innisfail Family Church, Catholic Church.
Authorised Program:
Aims and Goals:
To inform students about the basic beliefs of the Christian faith from a non-denominational perspective.
Authorised Program:
Getting to know Jesus getting-to-know-jesus_web.pdf (
Aims and Goals: To provide an environment in which young children come to know Jesus Christ and develop relationships with him. To learn about a personal union with God, and their membership of a Church established by God. To learn about becoming like the person of Jesus – in the home, in School, in the Parish and in the world. To value Christian virtue and Christian truth as the foundation for the whole of life.
Lesson Structure: Half an hour on a weekly basis during Term 2 (10 weeks)
Parents or guardians can opt in or out of the program at any time in writing to the school principal. There is no cost involved.
Other Instruction
Students who are not participating in RI will be provided with other instruction in a separate supervised location. Other instruction must relate to part of a subject area already covered in class and may include:
- personal research and/or assignments
- revision of class work such as creative writing or literacy and/or numeracy activities which could include online programs currently accessed by the students of that school
- wider reading such as independent reading appropriate to the student
Parents will be advised of any changes to the RI and other instruction programs to ensure they are able to make an informed decision on their child's participation.